Friday, July 11, 2014

This Virtual (Online) Internship Puts You on the Path to a Properous Career In 12 months.

Your Prosperity is our purpose and priority

Whether you're just out of high school, in college, or want to upgrade your career, the OPI (Online Partnering Internship) provides you with an effective platform to create a resilient, rewarding, online career within the next 12 months and is one of three pillars in our affordable Strategic Partnering Program.

The OPI Advantage

Why become an OPI (Online Partnering Intern)?

As you preview the compelling advantages of the OPI below, visualize the benefits it provides you by considering the accompanying questions:

1) You work an extremely flexible schedule.
How will that help you make the most of your time?

2) You will earn and be highly compensated financially.
What will that do for your financial well-being?

3) You work on meaningful Projects in your chosen industry.
How will that affect your attitude towards your work and the satisfaction you gain?

4) You work anywhere Internet access is available.
Where do you want to live, where do you want to travel?

5) You learn, consistently apply, and master a high-demand, highly-valued, and highly compensated skill-set.
How will that build a more resilient career for you, regardless of industry or economic conditions?

6) Your work complements your desired level of work/life balance.
Why is work/life balance important to you and how will you benefit?

7) You gain valued work experience and recognition for your contributions.
How will this boost your confidence in what you're capable of accomplishing?

8) You receive ongoing feedback on your performance in accomplishing your goals, objectives, and action-steps as they relate to desired project outcomes through Peer Coaching.
In what ways will that help you become more effective in producing meaningful outcomes and making valuable contributions?

9) You determine how much responsibility you want to accept (team member, team leader, project leader, etc.).
How will that help you consistently grow in your career?

10) You determine how much compensation you earn.
How will increasing your ability to create compelling value affect your earning power?

11) You learn, consistently apply and master the principles of building mutual trust, developing inspiring leaders, and cultivating entrepreneurs.
How will this increase your capacity to make meaningful contributions that are important to you and help others do the same?

12) In short, you control your career!  You determine what's important for you to accomplish and have the freedom to do so.
In what ways will this help you prosper in a world that is ever changing and respond to those changes?

The above is just a sampling of what we call The OPI Advantage.

What Do You Think?

As always, your constructive comments are welcomed.

"Your Prosperity is Our Priority"

Want More Information?

You are welcome to check out our other posts.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to discuss how the OPI can benefit you? Email us at 

Monday, May 12, 2014


The Keystone To Greater Prosperity...

"If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts,
liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes."
-Andrew Carnegie

What's your compelling why?  What inspires you to action?  What fuels your drive to accomplish goals and objectives that contribute to fulfilling a purpose meaningful and important to you?
Whatever your career or whatever industry you work in, a compelling why is the lifeblood of your prosperity.  A compelling why is the inspiring force that causes you to take action towards fulfilling what you consider a worthwhile purpose.  It engages your whole person.  It energizes your thinking, your actions and sharpens your abilities.  It short, a compelling why gives meaning to everything you do!
Even when faced with overwhelming opposition to achieving your goals and objectives, a compelling why is your lifeline to enduring and overcoming that opposition.  It is your reason to get up one more time than you fall down.  When all sources of help are exhausted, your compelling why keeps you going.  It is your anchor in the storms of life.  When nearly 98 out of 100 people unconsciously starve and despair for want of a meaningful purpose, a compelling why provides you with resilient energy and hope.
It inspires you to support causes that make a positive difference in the lives of those around you.  Whether in your work, the service you render in your community, or in your home, your contribution helps others prosper and find meaning in their lives.  A compelling why is the constant force that drives you to give and be your best.
So the question is, "What is your compelling why"?  When you find the answer, it will open the door to greater prosperity for you and others.  Knowing your destination simplifies the process of identifying and achieving the goals, accomplishing the objectives, and taking the necessary action-steps required to fulfill your compelling why!

What Do You Think…?
In what ways did you find this post helpful?  Your constructive comments are always appreciated and welcomed.

"Your Prosperity is Our Priority"
Our Strategic Partnering Program helps you find and fulfill your purpose, achieve your goals, and accomplish your objectives through effective action-steps.  If you are already moving towards fulfilling your purpose, we can help you stay focused and get there faster.
If you or someone you know is ready to experience greater prosperity in your career, we definitely want to connect with you.  Email us now at: