Friday, September 27, 2013

THE VIRTUAL INTERNSHIP: Gateway To A Prosperous Career...

As organizations conduct more and more business via the Internet, building a career online is fast becoming a mainstream option.  Whether it be value creation, marketing, sales, value delivery, or finance, the Web makes it possible to do business more quickly, more effectively and efficiently, and more economically than ever before.  Whatever the industry, the way the business of the world gets done is evolving through the Internet and its attendant technologies.

If you are of the Millennial Generation, life on the web is more than likely a natural.  You have grown-up with it, experienced it, and expect it as a given as you move into the world of work.  Your comfort level with life online gives you a vision of its possibilities for engaging careers and turning those possibilities into reality. Your perspective is not limited to "Can we do this online?", it is focused on "How and when will we do this online"?  (You are of the mindset of Master Yoda, "Try not.  Do or do not.  There is no try.").  You are ready to build resilient careers that use the many advantages of working on the Web.  Furthermore, your confidence in its potential to propel prosperity to new heights both now and in the future make it a viable platform to do so.

You of the X Generation and Boomers may or may not have embraced life online as willingly and confidently as the Millennials.  Nonetheless, in today's fast paced world you see the necessity of doing so.  The days of the horse and buggy are pleasant memories, but the future belongs to those who embrace the emerging technologies of the present and beyond.  Innovations of all kinds are changing our world and as the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey observed, "Change is a constant".

So, why should you consider a "virtual internship" (VI)?  Whether you're just out of high school, in college, or established in a career, a VI offers you a number of exceptional advantages to capitalize on the innovations of Internet technology.  It provides you a platform to keep up to speed with cutting edge developments as they unfold.  The following are just a few of those many advantages:


You can work anywhere Internet service is available.  This saves you time, money and personal effort. Instead of spending time in travel, you use that time to address other priorities, such as family responsibilities, recreation to refresh and re-energize, or service that is meaningful to you.  The money you save in travel to and from work can be used to further your education, fund vacations or other financial goals.  Your personal effort and energy are conserved by eliminating the work commute and used to accomplish a variety of non-work activities important to you.  Moreover, you can live anywhere you want which significantly adds to your quality of life.


The late Jim Rohn observed, "You are not paid by the hour, but for the value you bring to the hour." Whether your internship is paid or not, demonstrating you can add compelling value to any project separates you from the ordinary as one who is able to contribute to the bottom-line of any organization. Nonetheless, for many a paid VI is a necessity.  After all, financial prosperity is high on most everyone's list. Moreover, whether an intern or not, responsible organizations are willing to pay and pay well for individuals who can deliver desired results.  So why not look for a VI/career opportunity that is well paid?


Although everything we do is takes time, how we organize and use that time can mean the difference between a highly productive career or one of just getting by.  A VI allows you to manage your time. When are you most productive?  When are you least productive?  Understanding the difference and using that knowledge can save you time, money, and personal energy as you wisely manage your time. With the flexibility of a VI you can order you schedule according to "your" priorities and optimize your work-life balance.


Depending on the VI, you can determine the experience you want to get and find and accept projects that give you that experience.  If the VI is responsive to your needs, you can accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization and what's important to you.  It's alignment, and makes your contribution valuable to the organization as well as a valuable skill in your future work.  Some key transferable skills to consider learning and applying during your VI include building mutual trust, developing inspiring leadership and cultivating innovation and entrepreneurship.  Remember, when deciding on a VI, you have a choice!

Engaging Work

When you work on projects that engage your potential, passion, and talents you find ways to produce desired results in record time, conserving precious financial resources and the personal effort of everyone involved.  Because you are specializing and focusing on your strengths you put resources to their highest and best use.  You get more done in less time, with less cost, and with less effort.  You create more compelling value in the marketplace and that translates into more advantages and benefits for you!

Coaching and Mentoring

Fulfilling your purpose and accomplishing your goals and objectives can be accelerated through coaching and mentoring.  It is timely, relevant, and keeps you focused, accountable, and productive. When considering a VI this key process should be high on your priority list.  It will make the most of your interning experience, your career future, and save you time, money, and effort.


Our Strategic Partnering Program offers a substantial Online Partnering Internship geared to accomplish those advantages mentioned above and more.  For further details, just click on "The Strategic Partnering Program" in the column to your right.

In what ways did you find this post helpful?  What are your career goals and objectives?  Your constructive comments are always appreciated.  You can also email us at  

"Your Prosperity is Our Priority"